Part 7 - Trading in a Marketplace
7.9 Trading in Listed or Quoted Securities or Derivatives by a Derivatives Market Maker
A Participant who is a derivatives market maker shall comply when trading on any marketplace with such additional requirements as may be required by:
- an Exchange when trading on that Exchange in listed securities or derivatives; and
- a QTRS when trading on that QTRS in quoted securities.
Defined Terms:
UMIR section 1.1 – “derivative”, “derivatives market maker”, “Exchange”, “listed security”, “marketplace”, “Participant”, “quoted security” and “QTRS”
There are no related bulletins available for this Rule.
Effective December 14, 2022, the applicable securities commissions approved amendments to extend the requirements under UMIR 7.9 to the trading of derivatives on an Exchange. See IIROC Notice 22-0140 – “Amendments Respecting the Trading of Derivatives on a Marketplace” (September 15, 2022).
There is no history log for this rule.