Conduct, Compliance, and Legal Advisory Section (CCLS)

A key component of an effective self-regulatory organization is the development of rules with policy committee involvement. Policy staff perform the key role of coordinating the rule development process in consultation with the appropriate committees.

Reports To

Member Regulation Policy

Specific Responsibilities

The Section advises on the development of rules and policies on business conduct, enforcement, and registration related matters affecting Dealer Members, and it provides a forum for the exchange of information on complying with CIRO and other requirements that relate to business conduct, enforcement, and registration related matters.


Membership in the Section is restricted to senior business, legal and compliance officers or other persons having similar responsibilities, regardless of title who are employed by Dealer Members or Marketplace Members.

Standing Members:

  • President (or another officer of CIRO designated by the President)
  • Chair of the Board (or another member of the Board designated by the Chair of the Board)

Liaison Officers: A liaison officer shall be appointed by the Section to represent the Bourse de Montreal and the Canadian Investor Protection Fund.


No term or limit on the number of terms

Nominating Process

Each Member shall be permitted to nominate a maximum of three persons for membership in the Section, providing they meet the membership requirements. Where a Member has nominated either two or three persons to be members of the Section, one of the nominations must be designated as the "Primary Member" and the other nomination(s) must be designated as the "Alternate Member(s)".

Appointment Process

The Vice-President, Member Regulation Policy will review all nominees and recommend appointments. The Senior Vice-President, Member Regulation will approve the appointments to the Section.

Show of Support

Each Member with members in the Section shall be entitled to one (1) show of support at the Section's meetings; provided that if any two (2) or more Members are affiliates of each other, such Members shall jointly be entitled to one (1) show of support at the Section's meetings. The individual chairing the Section meeting (the Chair, Vice-Chair or his or her designate) shall only have a show of support in the case of a tie.

Chair and Vice-Chair

The Chair and Vice-Chair of the Section shall hold office for a two-year term commencing on the date of the Section Bi-Annual Meeting of the relevant year. In order to ensure continuity, the Vice-Chair will assume the role of Chair of the Executive Committee for the subsequent two-year period.

Meeting Schedule

The Section will meet a minimum of three times annually at the request of the Vice-President, Member Regulation Policy. Special meetings may be called at the request of the Chair, the Senior-Vice President, Member Regulation or the President and CEO.

Executive Committee

The Section shall be governed by an Executive Committee comprised of the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Section, with up to 13 additional members, who are members of the Section.

Chair and Vice-Chair: The Chair and Vice-Chair of the Section shall be the same individuals and be subject to the same term limits as the Chair and Vice-Chair of the Section, respectively.

A Nominating Committee comprised of the Chair and Vice-Chair shall submit to the Section Annual Meeting a list of persons that it recommends serve on the Executive Committee. In determining its recommended list of persons, the Nominating Committee shall ensure that there is equitable representation on a geographic (regional versus national dealers), business line (institutional versus retail, debt versus equity versus derivatives) and business size (small, medium and large sized firms) basis.

Appointment Process: The Vice-President, Member Regulation Policy will review all nominees and recommend appointments to the Senior Vice-President. The Senior Vice-President, Member Regulation will approve the appointments to the Executive Committee.


Standing Sub-Committees may be established at the initiative of CIRO with input from the Executive Committee.

Appointment Process: The Vice-President, Member Regulation Policy will review all nominees and recommend appointments to the Senior Vice-President. The Senior Vice-President, Member Regulation will approve the appointments to the Sub-Committee.


Gillian Kunza, ChairDesigned Securities Ltd.
Nick CardinaleRBC Dominion Securities Inc.
Leo CicconeBloom Burton Securities Inc.
Lou D’SouzaCI Investments Inc.
Mary Joyce EmpensandoQuestrade, Inc.
Jason EnouyRaymond James Ltd.
Patrick GalarneauDesjardins Financial Securities Investments Inc.
David GradPFSL Investments Canada Ltd.
Christopher HillStifel Nicolaus Canada Inc.
Radek LoudinDesjardins Securities Inc.
Rubini MathinathanGlobal Maxfin Investments Inc.
Dave MooreBMO Nesbitt Burns Inc.
Jehred RossJefferies Securities Inc. 
Sunil ThomasTD Securities Inc.
Michael WilliamsRichardson Wealth Limited
Alessia Crescenzi, CIRO RepresentativeCIRO
Phil Devault, CIRO RepresentativeCIRO
Sonja McCreary, CIRO RepresentativeCIRO

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Primary Members

Gillian Kunza, ChairDesigned Securities Ltd.
Adam AbramsonGeneration IACP Inc.
Govind AchyuthanAcumen Capital Finance Partners Limited
Robert AllenCaldwell Securities Ltd.
Mike ArthurMorgan Stanley Wealth Management Canada Inc.
Robb BassettRaymond James Ltd.
Nigel BellCitigroup Global Markets Canada Inc.
Jean‑François BernierInteractive Brokers Canada Inc.
Dan BoweringAviso Financial Inc.
Brandon BoydVirtu ITG Canada Corp.
Marian BuklisAcker Finley Inc.
Jean-Francois CaronNational Bank Financial Inc.
Mark CensaleWells Fargo Securities Canada, Ltd.
Mark ChadakhtzianCTI Capital Securities Inc.
Leo CicconeBloom Burton Securities Inc.
Kirk CoeWebull Securities (Canada) Ltd.
Natalie CoutuRBC Dominion Securities Inc.
Marissa CusiEdward Jones
Pauline DavisonCWB Wealth Partners
Catherine De GiustiWealthsimple Investments Inc.
Sesto DeLucaW.D. Latimer Co. Limited
Noah DodekLeede Jones Gable Inc.
Jennifer DohertyJC Clark Ltd.
Lou D’SouzaCI Investment Services Inc.
Louise DuchesneLightyear Capital Inc.
Lisa EdwardsATB Securities Inc.
Julie EisenstatCormark Securities Inc.
Calder EllisHarbourfront Wealth Management Inc.
Mary Joyce EmpensandoQuestrade, Inc.
Daniel GordonFriedberg Mercantile Group Ltd.
Claudia GourdePictet Canada L.P.
Janice GowanMandeville Private Client Inc.
Darren GrossPeters & Co. Limited
Kelsey GundersonLaurentian Bank Financial Group
Sally Haldenby HabaCaldwell Securities
Meghan HerdRBC Direct Investing
Christopher HillStifel Nicolaus Canada Inc.
Kelley HofferMerrill Lynch Canada Inc.
Helen HsiaPortfolio Hiway Inc.
Yan HuangVered Wealth Management (Canada) Company Limited
Sindy JaggerK.J. Harrison Partners Inc.
Nick KaterinakisGoldman Sachs Canada Inc.
John KennedyBarclays Capital Canada Inc.
Joe LadeiraClarus Securities Inc.
Yasmin LalaniCredential Qtrade Securities Inc.
Dave LapenseeChippingham Financial Group
Rick LiMoomoo Financial Canada Inc.
Radek LoudinDesjardins Securities Inc.
Patrick McNenlyResearch Capital Corporation
Patrick MillsRed Cloud Securities Inc.
Tom MonahasClarus Securities Inc.
Dave MooreBMO Nesbitt Burns Inc.
Terry MooreCIBC Investor Services Inc.
Natasa MorfesisWorldsource
Jeremy NagyCIBC World Markets Inc.
Gregory NowakowskiTD Securities Inc.
Peter PacholkoOdlum Brown Limited
Susan PasternakCanaccord Genuity Corp.
Tracey PatelJ.P. Morgan Securities Canada Inc.
Joe PavaoFoster & Associates Financial Services Inc.
Brian ProsserB2B Bank Securities Services Inc.
Margaret ProviasAssante Capital Management Ltd.
Sylvain RacineMirabaud Canada Inc.
Danielle RaymondJitneyTrade Inc.
Jehred RossJefferies Securities Inc.
Tomas SetoICP Securities Inc.
Craig SchleyerAligned Capital Partners Inc.
Kim ShiltonWellington-Altus Private Wealth Inc.
Jonathan SherwinInstinet Canada Cross Limited
Gurjinder SinghSCP Resource Finance LP
Brian SmallhornMorgan Stanley Canada Limited
Jane SmithAssante Capital Management Ltd.
Christina SoaresAligned Capital Partners Inc.
Peter SousarisCanadian ShareOwner Investments Inc.
Danielle TetraultInvestors Group Securities Inc.
Richard ThomasPI Financial Corp.
Bruce ThompsonHaywood Securities Inc.
Katharine VarikCumberland Private Wealth Management Inc.
Matthew VaughnCitadel Securities Canada ULC
Sharon WatkinsSandstone Asset Management Inc.
John WebsterQueensbury Securities Inc.
Neal WestonSun Life Canada Securities Inc.
Michael WilliamsRichardson Wealth Limited
André ZangaCasgrain & Company Limited

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Alternate Members

Ella AdamResearch Capital Corporation
Jennelyn AdonaCormark Securities Inc.
Joy AllenScotia Capital Inc.
Michael ArthurMorgan Stanley Wealth Management Canada Inc.
Jean-Paul BachelleriePI Financial Corp.
Michael BignellQueensbury Securities Inc.
Torstein BraatenInstinet Canada Limited
David BrackenW.D. Latimer Co. Limited
Bill BrownResearch Capital Corporation
Derek BrodieMoomoo Financial Canada Inc.
David CampbellICP Securities Inc.
Nick CardinaleRBC Dominion Securities Inc.
Andrew CarringtonState Street Global Markets Canada Inc.
Richard CarterLeede Jones Gable Inc.
Warren CarterMorgan Stanley Wealth Management Canada Inc.
Shweta ChadhaRGF Wealth Management Ltd.
Ryan ChenCaldwell Securities Ltd.
Meye ChowWellington‑Altus Private Wealth Inc.
Brian ChoyMorgan Stanley Canada Limited
Lesley ConnorsMorgan Stanley Wealth Management Canada Inc.
Lloyd CostleyRaymond James Ltd.
Brian DriscollMandeville Private Client Inc.
Christopher EnrightAligned Capital Partners Inc.
Paul FalcaoB2B Bank Securities Services Inc.
Kathy FederkiewiczCanaccord Genuity Corp.
Lionel FoglerKingwest & Company
Olivier GoyetteNational Bank Financial Inc.
Eliza GuerdjikovaMerrill Lynch Canada Inc.
Iggy GuliziaMandeville Private Client Inc.
Sally Haldenby HabaCaldwell Securities Ltd.
Anna HryckoAssante Capital Management Ltd.
Eva HuaCitadel Securities Canada ULC
Daniel ImPortfolio Hiway Inc.
Robin JosephAviso Financial Inc.
Michael KazmierowskiB2B Bank Securities Services Inc.
Andrew KerrisonMoomoo Financial Canada Inc.
Inna KholodenkoQuestrade, Inc.
Vesna KusicRBC Direct Investing Inc.
David LangRBC Dominion Securities Inc.
David LuVered Wealth Management (Canada) Company Limited
Leonardo LuciaCasgrain & Company Limited
Bill LyonsCIBC World Markets Inc.
David MacFadyenOMG Wealth Management Inc.
Mark MaisonvilleHaywood Securities Inc.
Laurinda MartinsKingwest & Company
Nadyne McConkeyNational Bank Financial Inc.
Nawaz MeghjiEdward Jones
Myja MillerAcumen Capital Finance Partners Limited
Lafleche MontreuilDesjardins Securities Inc.
Kevin MoonTD Securities Inc.
Terry MooreCIBC Investor Services Inc.
Lee MoritaCIBC World Markets Inc.
Hinson NgRF Securities Clearing LP
Kelvin OngATB Capital Markets Inc.
Kuba OrzechowskiCaldwell Securities Ltd.
Lisa PageFidelity Clearing Canada ULC
Brent PickerlSandstone Asset Management Inc.
Lorna PileEdward Jones
Shaine PollockRBC Capital Markets
Monica PuAll Group Financial Services Inc.
Jane RatchfordScotia Capital Inc.
Kim RitchieRF Securities Clearing LP
Michael RolandParadigm Capital Inc.
Ali RouhaniBarclays Capital Canada Inc.
James RudderhamMD Management Limited
Raj SachdevaCitigroup Global Markets Canada Inc.
Marc SansregretCanaccord Genuity Corp.
Marie-Noelle SavoieMacDougall, MacDougall & MacTier Inc.
Joanne SewellCIBC Investor Services Inc.
Mamta SharmaBMO Nesbitt Burns Inc.
Caroline SixsmithAssante Capital Management Ltd.
Geoffrey StaynerRF Securities Clearing LP
Angela StirpeCaldwell Securities Ltd.
Sunil ThomasTD Securities Inc.
Soi ToCI Investment Services Inc.
Bernardino UgoliniAligned Capital Partners Inc.
Kambiz Vatan‑AbadiCI Investment Services Inc.
Paige WaddenFidelity Clearing Canada ULC
Lesley Walters‑SagherWellington-Altus Private Wealth Inc.
Michael WardParadigm Capital Inc.
Scott WardleW.D. Latimer Co. Limited
Christine ZalzalAviso Financial Inc.

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Joy AllenScotia Capital Inc.
Shailesh AmbikeQuestrade, Inc.
Bill BrownMackie Research
Brian ChoyMorgan Stanley Canada Limited
Marissa CusiEdward Jones
Alexandra DiplarosCIBC Wood Gundy
Andrew DundassUBS Securities Canada Inc.
Firdaus KapadiaScotia Capital Inc.
Brian PynnATB Securities Inc.
Wendy SieukaranBMO Nesbitt Burns Inc.
Dianne Weatherby, CIRO RepresentativeCIRO

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Brian Smallhorn, ChairMorgan Stanley Canada Limited
Lafleche Montreuil, Vice-ChairDesjardins Securities Inc.
Jennelyn AdonaCormark Securities Inc.
Shailesh AmbikeQuestrade, Inc.
Nigel BellCiti Canada
Brandon BoydVirtu ITG Canada Corp.
Louis CavalarisEchelon Wealth Partners Inc.
Mark CensaleWells Fargo Securities Canada, Ltd.
Natalie CoutuRBC Dominion Securities Inc.
Ross DavidsonRaymond James Ltd.
Lou D’SouzaCI Investments Inc.
Lisa EdwardsATB Securities Inc.
Chris FongScotia Capital Inc.
Eliza GuerdjikovaMerrill Lynch Canada Inc.
Christopher HillStifel Nicolaus Canada Inc.
Eva HuaCitadel Securities
Moshe IferganBeacon Securities Limited
Nick KaterinakisGoldman Sachs Canada Inc.
Gareth McDonaldState Street Global Markets Canada Inc.
Patrick MillsRed Cloud Securities Inc.
Scott NorrisEight Capital
Tracey PatelJ.P. Morgan Securities Canada Inc.
Ron PersaudCIBC World Markets Inc.
Jack RandoNational Bank Financial Inc.
Michael RolandParadigm Capital Inc.
Jehred RossJefferies Securities Inc.
Ali RouhaniBarclays Capital Canada Inc.
Tomas SetoICP Securities Inc.
Mamta SharmaBMO Nesbitt Burns Inc.
Jonathan SherwinInstinet Canada Cross Limited
Beverly SmykTD Securities
Sheel Chaudri, CIRO RepresentativeCIRO
Aamir Mirza, CIRO RepresentativeCIRO
Sonja McCreary, CIRO RepresentativeCIRO

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Money Laundering

Michael Pawliw, ChairRaymond James Ltd.
Jennelyn AdonaCormark Securities Inc.
Mary AndrewsCanfin Wealth Management
Jean Francois BernierInteractive Brokers
Tracy ChengBMO Nesbitt Burns Inc.
Brian ChoyMorgan Stanley Canada Limited
Patrick ChuLeede Jones Gable Inc.
Kirk CoeWebull Securities (Canada) Inc.
Irina CriganPEAK Financial Group
Mickael DaigleInvestia Financial Services
Carl DubickiEdward Jones
Lisa EdwardsATB Securities Inc.
Maria FloresCarte Wealth Managements Inc.
George GeorgiopoulosInteractive Brokers Canada
Olivier GoyetteNational Bank
Tony LalondeScotia Capital Inc.
David MacDonaldCanaccord Genuity Corp.
Ronald NgCredential Qtrade Securities Inc.
Kelvin OngCredit Suisse Securities (Canada) Inc.
Geri SavovaTD Securities Inc.
Jonathan SherwinInstinet Canada Cross Limited
Anil SinghQuestrade, Inc.
Ellen SoRBC Dominion Securities Inc.
Waffina SolaaniSunlife
Sonya White-CharltonPSFL Investments Canada Ltd.
Sam WiltshireWealthsimple Investments Inc.
Nibras YamanRBC Dominion Securities Inc.
Aamir Mirza, CIRO RepresentativeCIRO
Sonja McCreary, CIRO RepresentativeCIRO

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Order Execution Only

Terry Moore, ChairCIBC Investor Services Inc.
Laurence AmannDesjardins Securities
Shailesh AmbikeQuestrade, Inc.
Jean-François BernierInteractive Brokers Canada Inc.
Dan BoweringAviso Financial Inc.
Kirk CoeWebull Securities (Canada) Ltd.
Catherine De GiustiWealthsimple Investments Inc.
Dan DiFrancoScotia Capital Inc.
Lou D’SouzaCI Financial Services
Meghan HerdRBC Direct Investing
Kevin MoonTD Securities Inc.
Ojima OrifaBMO Investorline.
Brigitte RobyNational Bank Financial Inc.
Alessia Crescenzi, CIRO RepresentativeCIRO
Sonja McCreary, CIRO RepresentativeCIRO
Aamir Mirza, CIRO RepresentativeCIRO

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Nick Cardinale, ChairRBC Dominion Securities Inc.
Kate Schroeder, Vice ChairInvestors Group Securities Inc.
Naomi BartlettInvestors Group
Bill BrownResearch Capital Corporation
Kaella BubelAssante Capital Management Ltd.
Brian BulgerEdward Jones
Elizabeth ChamberlandPEAK Investment Services
Lou D’SouzaCI Financial Services
Fabian Di GiovanniRaymond James Ltd.
Brian DriscollMandeville Private Client Inc.
Lesley DuffyQuadrus Investment Services Ltd.
Lisa EdwardsATB Securities Inc.
Calder EllisHarbourfront Wealth Management Inc.
Robert GoldbergCaldwell Securities Ltd.
Fabian Di GiovanniRaymond James Ltd.
David GradPSFL Investments Canada Ltd.
Som HoumphanhSterling Mutuals Inc.
Bill LyonsCIBC Investor Services Inc.
Kevin MoonTD Securities Inc.
Chris MullinSun Life Financial Investments Services (Canada) Inc.
Julie OuellonWenteBMO Nesbitt Burns Inc.
Santiago PinedaScotia Capital
Ronald SalgadoBMO Investments Inc.
Susan Copland, CIRO RepresentativeCIRO
Sara Goessaert, CIRO RepresentativeCIRO
Sonja McCreary, CIRO RepresentativeCIRO

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  • Enforcement
  • Hearings
  • Consultations
  • A unified member directory (Dealers We Regulate)
  • Advisor Report

We will continue moving items off MFDA and IIROC in 2024. Stay tuned for future updates.