Regulatory History:
Effective June 26, 2009, the applicable securities commissions made an amendment to Rule 10.15. Specifically, the provision below was repealed and replaced:
- Each Participant and marketplace shall be assigned a unique identifier for trading purposes.
- Unless otherwise provided pursuant to an agreement made in accordance with section 7.5 of the Trading Rules, the Toronto Stock Exchange shall assign each identifier for the purposes of subsection (1) after consultation with each Exchange and QTRS.
- Each security that trades on a marketplace shall be assigned a unique symbol for trading purposes.
- Unless otherwise provided pursuant to an agreement made in accordance with section 7.5 of the Trading Rules, the Toronto Stock Exchange shall assign each symbol for the purposes of subsection (3) after consultation with each Exchange and QTRS.
See IIROC Notice 09-0191 - “Provisions Respecting the Assignment of Identifiers and Symbols” (June 26, 2009).
On July 4, 2013 the applicable securities commissions approved, effective March 1, 2014, amendments to subsections (1) and (2) to require identifiers for parties that access marketplaces using forms of third-party electronic access. See IIROC Notice 13-0184 – “Provisions Respecting Third-Party Electronic Access to Marketplaces” (July 4, 2013).
Effective July 26, 2021, the applicable securities commissions approved amendments to sections 1.1, 6.2, 7.13 and 10.15 to add identifier and/or designation requirements for clients on orders sent to a marketplace. See IIROC Notice 19-0071 – “Amendments Respecting Client Identifiers” (April 18, 2019).
Effective December 14, 2022, the applicable securities commissions approved amendments to UMIR 10.15. See IIROC Notice 22-0140 – “Amendments Respecting the Trading of Derivatives on a Marketplace” (September 15, 2022).