Advisory Committees
A key component of an effective self-regulatory organization is the development of rules and guidance with advisory committee involvement. Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization (CIRO) coordinates the rule and guidance development process in consultation with the appropriate advisory committees.
The advisory committees also provide a forum for investment dealers, mutual fund dealers, exchanges and alternative trading systems to share experiences, information and ideas, to monitor industry trends, technology developments, and proposed legislation that may affect them.
CIRO’s advisory committee structure includes the National Council and seven Regional Councils comprised of individuals from our Dealer Members from each of those regions.
Conduct, Compliance and Legal Advisory Section (CCLS)
The CCLS advises on the development of rules and policies on business conduct, enforcement, and registration related matters affecting investment dealers, and it provides a forum for the exchange of information on complying with CIRO and other requirements that relate to business conduct, enforcement, and registration related matters.
The Proficiency Committee advises on matters relating to proficiency policy and operations. This includes matters relating to licensing standards, and training and continuing education. Committee members participate in working groups to assist in CIRO’s oversight of its proficiency course provider.
Financial and Operations Advisory Section (FOAS)
The FOAS advises on the development of rules and policies on financial and operational related matters affecting investment dealers, and it provides a forum for the exchange of information on complying with CIRO and other requirements that relate to financial and operational related matters.
Fixed Income Advisory Committee
The Fixed Income Committee reviews and makes recommendations to CIRO staff about proposed CIRO initiatives relating to fixed income.
Market Rules Advisory Committee (MRAC)
MRAC reviews and makes recommendations to CIRO regarding policy initiatives related to the trading of securities.