Rule amendments — Request for comments — Proposal to harmonize CIRO Continuing Education (CE) Programs
The Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization (CIRO) is proposing rule amendments to its continuing education (CE) programs under the Investment Dealer Partial Consolidated (IDPC) Rules and the Mutual Fund Dealer (MFD) Rules as part of its commitment to developing harmonized Continuing Education (CE) rules.
We have considered:
- material differences between the IDPC and MFD Rules for CE,
- the objectives of the current MFD and IDPC CE programs, which is to further develop baseline proficiencies applicable to Approved Persons consistent with the proficiency principle,
- the objectives of CE harmonization and applicable regulatory requirements, including those specific to Quebec, and
- the potential operational and IT system impacts of harmonized rules on all CIRO firm types.
Relevant documents:
Date opened: December 19, 2024
Date closed:
Status: Open
Bulletins about this consultation:
Rule amendments - Request for comments - Proposal to harmonize CIRO Continuing Education (CE) Programs
Type: Administrative Bulletin >
Request for Comments