Consultation Paper (Phase III) — Competency Profiles for Supervisors, Traders, Associate Portfolio Managers and Portfolio Managers



The Investment Industry Regulatory Organization of Canada (IIROC) is in the process of developing and publishing competency profiles for all IIROC approval categories.1  Last year, we published competency profiles for our Director, Executive, Ultimate Designated Person (UDP), Chief Compliance Officer (CCO) and Chief Financial Officer (CFO) categories.2  In 2020, we published for comment the first phase of this project, which involved the development of competency profiles for our Registered Representative (RR) and Investment Representative (IR) categories.3

The third phase of this project is the publication of competency profiles for Supervisors, Traders, Associate Portfolio Managers (APMs), Portfolio Managers (PMs).4

We are publishing this Consultation Paper to solicit feedback on our proposed competency profiles for Supervisors, Traders, APMs, and PMs.

Date opened: August 29, 2022

Date closed: December 28, 2022

Status: Closed

Bulletins about this consultation: