Investor Alert:
Be aware of fraudsters impersonating CIRO, claiming to help investors get their money back
(Updated December 31, 2021)
Under MFDA Rule 1.2.3, an Approved Person must not perform an activity that requires registration unless the Approved Person has the education, training, and experience that a reasonable person would consider necessary to perform the activity competently. In the case of Chief Compliance Officers, this includes the knowledge and ability to design and implement an effective compliance system.
Approved Persons should update their knowledge and training to keep pace with new securities services and developments in the industry that are relevant to their business. Rule 1.2.4 requires Members to provide their Approved Persons with training on compliance with requirements under securities legislation.
The purpose of this Notice is to set out details of proficiency requirements that apply under MFDA Rules and National Instrument 31-103 Registration Requirements, Exemptions and Ongoing Registrant Obligations (“NI 31-103”).
NI 31-103 does not retain the branch manager category of registration and, as a result, all requirements in respect of branch managers are contained in MFDA Rules.
Branch managers must meet the requirements set out under MFDA Rule 2.5.5 (Branch Manager). In addition, branch managers supervising Approved Persons trading or dealing in commodity pools or exempt market securities must also meet the requirements for salespersons as noted in subsection 1(b) above.
MFDA Rule 2.5.6 (Currency of Examination) provides that, for the purposes of the Rules, an individual is deemed to have not passed an examination or successfully completed a program unless the individual has done so within 36 months before the date the individual applied for registration, or such longer period as may be specified by and subject to relevant requirements, as the Corporation may determine if it is satisfied based on the individual’s experience that his or her knowledge and proficiency remains relevant and current.
MFDA Rule 2.5.6 adopts the same 36-month currency requirement as NI 31-103 and allows MFDA staff discretion, on a case-by-case basis, to consider a longer currency period provided that staff is satisfied that, based on the individual’s experience, their knowledge and proficiency remains relevant and current. In determining whether an individual’s knowledge and proficiency is relevant and current, staff will consider the factors set out in NI 31-103, for example, previous registration and relevant securities industry experience. In circumstances where relief from the currency requirement of NI 31-103 is sought from the relevant securities commission, Members may submit a written request to the MFDA Membership Services Department concurrently and provide the same information to the MFDA that is being submitted to the securities commission for its consideration.