Office of the Investor — Fiscal Year in Review

Type: Administrative Bulletin >


What CIRO’s Office of the Investor has been up to:

A key priority outlined in CIRO’s inaugural Annual Report was to promote the investor perspective through the Office of the Investor. During the Summer of 2023, the initial team of staff for the Office of the Investor was formed and immediately began fulfilling its mandate to:

  • research investor attitudes, behaviours and experiences;
  • deliver investor education to help give investors the information and tools they need to make informed decisions;
  • bring the voice of investors to CIROs regulatory activities; and
  • support CIRO’s Investor Advisory Panel.

In its keynote publication, the Office of the Investor Blueprint outlined a strategy designed to guide its actions and provide transparency on its areas of focus. Since then, the Office has been hard at work expanding CIRO’s online investor education resources, launching a national investor survey, delivering financial education to community groups, and much more.

Summary Stats

  • Published the Office of the Investor Blueprint
  • Published over 25 investor education articles and resources on the Office of the Investor website;
  • Participated in 3 social media campaigns;
  • Developed 3 new brochures for investors;
  • Consulted on various policy initiatives internally;
  • Created a national investor survey, in partnership with our research partner.

CIRO’s Office of the Investor: Fiscal Year in Review

Type: Administrative Bulletin >


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