Investor Alert:
Be aware of fraudsters impersonating CIRO, claiming to help investors get their money back
This list is published quarterly and identifies securities that qualify for a reduced margin rate of 30% for client positions and 25% for Dealer Member (inventory) positions, which are:
The list has been prepared using data available for the quarter ended June 30, 2024. The list must be used to identify securities eligible for reduced margin as set out in subsection 5310(1) of the Investment Dealer and Partially Consolidated Rules (IDPC Rules). The IDPC Rules replaced the IIROC Rules on January 1, 2023.
Until further notice, cryptocurrency funds are not eligible for reduced margin. For cryptocurrency funds, margin eligibility may be otherwise determined according to the requirements set out in subsections 5310(1) and 5311(1) of the IDPC Rules.
LSERM is available in Microsoft Excel format on the IIROC website, under Rules and Enforcement – IIROC Rules – Supporting Resources – Supporting Schedules. At a later date the Supporting Schedules section of the IIROC website will be added to the website of Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization (CIRO).
Dealer Members may also download the current LSERM (Microsoft Excel format) via a SFTP connection to a CIRO server. Dealer Members that report debt transactions to CIRO will automatically have access to the current LSERM in a folder entitled “LSERM” in the Reference Data directory on the server. Other Dealer Members that wish to download the LSERM via SFTP will need to set up an account with CIRO.
This list supersedes the most recently issued LSERM and will be effective on August 28, 2024 (which is fifteen business days following the issuance date of this Bulletin).